Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Random Facts and Personal Aspirations!

 One thing I forgot to put in yesterday’s entry: Katie (my sister) and I made lemon cheesecake! I was instructed to blend the cake mix, eggs, cream cheese, and sugar and I suddenly saw a deadly fate for my new white hoodie that I love so much and bought at American Eagle. (In the same shopping trip, while leaving Aeropostàle, the check-out guy was checking out my butt. I know this because he said “Happy Thanksgiving!” and I turned around to say “You too!” and his eyes were a bit too low. Maybe the back of my head is lower than I remember.)

 Anyway, it did not end disastrously! The cheesecake ended up in the bowl, and later, in my stomach.

 Let’s start with personal aspirations.

 1) Buy a cute little girl a fancy dress. Every girl wants to be a princess right?
 2) Adopt a Rottweiler and name him Baron von Blitzkrieg. A strong German dog deserves a strong German name.
 3) Go coneing or planking once in my lifetime. I don’t do anything fun or spontaneous like that.
 4) Invade a Krispy Kreme factory with my three best friends, armed with Nerf guns. We’ll give the workers an ultimatum: your doughnuts or your life. We’ll probably get arrested, though.
 5) Get married at Berkeley Plantation in southern Virginia. (I know, sappy and sentimental. But I had to get it in there.) I’m going to need a boyfriend first.
 6) Adopt an owl and name him Cletis.
 7) Marry Cletis because this “boyfriend” thing ain’t happening anytime soon.
 8) Visit Russia. Maybe live there. Who knows!

 Random facts!

 You know the lingerie store Victoria’s Secret? Well it wasn’t called “Victoria’s Secret” because the name was cool. The secret is that Victoria is a boy. Or so I’ve heard.

 The guy who invented Crayola was blind. Or so I’ve heard.

 Before I fall asleep at night, my mind puts together random words into sentences. Some of those sentences include: God drives a medical engine. Jesus uses the garden hose. Sometimes, yogurt speaks English. Don’t worry, management people of North Carolina! (I am one hundred percent serious. This happens on a regular basis.)

 Your ears and nose never stop growing.

 Bananas are herbs.

 The Revolutionary War and the Civil War both ended in Virginia. However, South Carolina started the Civil War in all respects. They were first to secede and the first official shots were fired at Fort Sumter which is on an island. The first land battle was in Manassas, Virginia.

 It takes a mile for a train to stop.

 Cats is one of the longest running Broadway musicals. But Phantom of the Opera has it beat, as it is still running and Cats ended in like, the 80s or 90s.

 My best friend can sing opera. Sort of.

 I know someone who can break dance. (Who doesn’t?)

 I also know someone who can rap better than any famous rapper! Legit.

 Scientists believe they have found a planet that has water on it. It’s called Gliese 581G and can be seen in the constellation Libra.

 Dolphins can paint. So can elephants.

 Contrary to popular belief, vampires do not sparkle.

 Also contrary to popular belief, vampires do not exist.

 Scary people come from Eastern Europe (i.e. Vlad the Impaler and Ivan the Terrible.) I can make racist jokes like this because I am, in fact, Russian. I’m German, too, so… Nazis!

 Ivan the Terrible ordered the construction of St. Basil’s Cathedral in Moscow. After that, he blinded the architect because he didn’t want anyone to build something as spectacular again.

 Judy Garland was only sixteen when she starred in the Wizard of Oz. Movie makers also considered Shirley Temple for the role.

 The Germans were the first to make us of the Christmas tree, or Tannenbaum.

 Fish can drown.

 Children have more taste buds than adults. So stop complaining when they say that they don’t like the broccoli.

 Chickens outnumber people in this world. Scary, right? Like, if they were smarter, we’d all probably be defeated right now and the world would be run by dinner.

 A strawberry is not an actual berry. I don’t know what it is.

 Pudding is, in fact, delicious. (That one was provided by Katie.)

hehe that was fun to put together. Next post: A Very Redneck Christmas!

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