Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Snow Days and Homeschoolers

I, being a homeschooler, have not gotten a snow day since I was like, ten. I always used to ask if I could just take the day off to play outside, but it didn't go over well with my mom. I mean, seriously, it's not like I have to take the bus to school. Unless snow magically appeared on the stairs leading to the kitchen, I was going to have to do some schoolwork.

Not that I'm complaining. On average, (I'm in high school now) it takes me about four to five hours to finish ten subjects. History takes me the longest because I just can't get past the segregationist propaganda. And it's a Christian book. And I'm Christian.

However, chemistry's going well. I learned today that one mole (used to measure mass) of marbles can cover the earth with a layer three miles thick! Or the U.S. with a layer seventy miles thick! Fierce stuff.

Trust me, I learn a lot more than that in chemistry.

I'm also taking German. And to help with the pronunciations, I'm listening to songs in German, namely songs from my favorite musical: Wicked! Or, in Germany: Wicked! Die Hexen von Oz! Turns out the musical is a big hit overseas. It's played in England, Australia, The Netherlands (they use a lot of aa's in their speech) and also Japan... Yea. Japan.

Let's be random for a moment. Anyone ever heard of Simon's Cat? Cute little animated cat that shows up on youtube from time to time? WELL, today, because he's so dang cute, I drew a picture of him and a character (Cletis the Owl) that I came up with myself.

It was ridiculously fun to draw. =]

I went to Chipotle today for lunch. I just love reading the ramble-y sayings they put on the soda cups and takeout bags. They're so entertaining! Today I read one about a man who likes to lick the foil wrapper after he finishes the burrito... yup. I do the same thing. Who doesn't?
And their chips are to die for! But my sister, Katie, didn't want to get them today. I was sad. But then I got my burrito and I was happy! Some foods just make you feel good, ya know?

If you were stranded on a deserted island and could only choose three items to have with you on that island, what would you choose? I know what I would choose! A fully-stocked Chipotle restaurant. That's it. Because it has food, shelter, and a bathroom. Would I need anything else? A cell phone, maybe, but why would I want to leave when I have my own personal Chipotle restaurant and no annoying people who are way too picky about what they put on their burritos to get in my way? (True story: today a lady behind me specifically ordered "Only a LITTLE bit of guacamole. Just a little. No, less!" She must have told the poor food-maker guy like five times.) Life would be sweet!

Until I ran out of food. Then I'd die a slow painful death and realize that I should have brought a phone, too, so I could call for help and return to civilization and picky burrito-eaters and have more Chipotle before I die as a very old lady.

What can I say? I'm in love.

OK, tomorrow's post: Random Facts and Personal Aspirations.

Thanks for reading!

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